
Best Time for Leh Ladakh Bike Trip

Leh Ladakh Bike Trip

Flaunting a landscape that will leave you spellbound, Leh Ladakh bike trip is a favourite among adventure enthusiasts with its gorgeous mountains, meadows and more. Running from the Siachen glacier to the main mountains of the Great Himalayas. Ladakh sits at an elevation of 2750-7652 metres above sea level, Reputed, and rightly. So, for its incredibly scenic vistas, swirling curving roads, icy pristine lakes, Ladakh is a sight to sit back and behold. Ladakh is called the “Land of High Passes” for it lets you experience the thrill of riding on the highest motorable passes in the world.

If mountaineering, motor biking, mountain biking, white water rafting are things you are looking at, then Ladakh is the place to set your eyes upon. Divided into three regions, namely Leh, Nubra, and Zanskar. All of these places in Ladakh are absolutely breathtaking in their own ways, Leh is the most popular of them all. Best Time Biking trips to Leh are of great fame among all the people who love a solid adrenaline rush.

The ideal time of year to bicycle to Leh, Ladakh

Summers | March to June

The most favourable time to visit Ladakh would be from the months of March to June, as these are the summer months in the region. The motorable passes also only function from the  month of April. Even if its summer, Ladakh being at such a high altitude can get very cold. Nights can’t be imagined without the company of a blanket. There is a chilling breeze throughout the day.

In the summer months the temperature stays between 15 degree Celsius to 30 degree Celsius. These are the months with the most comfortable climate and therefore. These are also the months that the locals celebrate most of the festivals. To name a few of the festivals, YuruKabgyat, Hemis, SakaDawa are the popular attractions. Beautiful masked performances take place. Therefore, if you want to witness the local culture in action, these are the months to set your eyes upon. Summers also let you take in the breathtaking beauty of Ladakh in its full capacity. You can clearly see the snow capped summits blend in with green beautiful valleys and sloping landscapes.

Monsoons | July to August

Monsoons in Ladakh are as unfavourable as winters, if not more. You see the occurrence of landslides, cloudbursts in the region. But this season also happens to be the best for activities like white water rafting. Roads like the Manali- Leh highway become difficult to go through because of the washing off of the road due to heavy downpour in these months.

Winters | September to February

Winters are highly unfavourable, not to mention dangerous. As the roads are all covered in snow and it is also very difficult to gain permission to go to places in this season. Temperatures gradually and steadily drop from September. From the month of November to February, the weather becomes very uncomfortable and unbearable as temperatures recorded in this season in Ladakh can go down to -50 Degree Celsius.

However certain people who are feeling very adventurous do go on the Frozen River Trek which is the Chadar Trek during the winter season. Mid January to March is best suited for the Chadar Trek.

The Biking Trip

There are many starting points to get to Leh on a bike. The popular options are as follows:

  • 12 Nights 13 Days | Delhi – Leh – Delhi
  • 11 Nights 12 Days | Leh Bike Trip from  Delhi to Srinagar via Manali
  • 10 Nights 11 Days | Manali – Leh – Manali
  • 10 Nights 11 Days | Leh Bike Trip from Srinagar to Delhi via Siachen Glacier
  • 8 Nights 9 Days | Leh Bike Trip with Umling La Pass
  • 6 nights and 7 days: bike trip from Leh to Leh


The Leh Ladakh bike trip is an experience that is a must have for everyone that is in a position to do it. An absolute dreamlike destination, this trip is sure to leave you feeling like a new person, with newfound energy and zeal for life. The trip with its treacherous, swirling roads, and icy lakes and rivers, will give you an adrenaline rush like no other place can! So go on, book your next biking adventure with Leh, Ladakh and ride your bike on the highest motorable passes in the world, and we assure that it will be an experience like no other.


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