
Latest Advances in Hair Transplant Technology

Hair Transplant Technology

Having a fully covered scalp with thick and strong hair is everyone’s desire. It increases the confidence and self-esteem of a person. People who face hair fall and have baldness issues always want a miracle by which they can turn their bald unattractive scalp into an attractive covered hairline. A hair transplant is that miracle for them. But when considering a hair transplant, everyone wants to go for a technique that does not hurt or leave scars. Thanks to modern techniques, hair transplants have now become a painless and scarless treatment. To know the “The Latest Advances in Hair Transplant Technology“. Read below!

What is a Hair Transplant?

A procedure in which the hair from the back of the scalp is taken and then inserted into the bald recipient area. This process is done by grafting. There are different techniques to carry out the process such as FUE and FUT. The results gained by the procedure are according to the desires of the patient. In the past, hair transplant was surgical and that is why they left scars on the scalp. But now with modern techniques, it is possible to treat baldness and hair loss in a non-invasive way.

How Does it Work?

In the process, the doctor takes the grafts from the donor area which is usually the back of the scalp. These healthy hair are first prepared, submerged in a cleaning solution, and then implanted in the recipient area. These hair follicles then start to sprout, which results in a natural restoration of the hairline. There are different recipient areas for hair transplants. These can be beards, mustaches, and body hair.

Latest Advances in Hair Transplant:

With time, the popularity of hair transplants has increased as well as modernities have been introduced too. With the introduction of these, the treatment now provides more effective with more natural results. The procedures have become less painful and the recovery time for these innovative techniques is short too. The latest technologies of hair transplant are discussed below:

Robotic Hair Transplant:

In this process, robots are used to transplant the hair in the targeted area. Robots choose the grafts from the donor area with more accuracy and then transplanted them into the recipient area. This increases the chances of transplant success. Accurate placement of grafts in the scalp results in more hair growth and strong hair nourishment.


FUE is a popular hair technique that does not cause scarring and gives a naturally restored hairline to the patient. The process is also called a scarless hair transplant. The process is painless because, in this, the doctor will take the hair follicles one by one and then implant them in the frontal head area. Compared to the conventional hair transplant this process offers a quick recovery.


This is an upgradation in the FUE technique. An automated device is used to remove each hair follicle from the scalp one at a time in order to prepare them for implantation. The device harvests the grafts with more accuracy compared to manual processes.

PRP Therapy:

A procedure that addresses hair loss issues by using the patient’s blood. In order to promote hair growth, growth factors with a high protein content are injected into the scalp.

Stem Cell Therapy:

Stem Cell Hair Transplant technique in which stem cells are used to treat baldness and hair loss. These stem cells are present in the body naturally. The therapy provides effective results but the research needed for the techniques is more.

Benefits of the Latest Hair Transplant:

You can get a number of advantages from these techniques as compared to the techniques that were in use before. The benefits of the treatment are the ones present below:

  • You will get hair that is thick and healthy
  • Procedures provide permanent results
  • Non-invasive techniques
  • More accurate results
  • Short recovery time
  • Painless treatment
  • Fully covered hairline and natural outcomes
  • Cheap methods with affordable prices

Best Hair Transplant!

Get effective hair transplants with modern techniques and solve your baldness and hair loss issues. Cosmo offers treatments by expert doctors and helps in providing safe, effective, and natural outcomes. You do not need to worry about the side effects because of the innovations done in the transplantation technique in recent years. Your doctors will guide you from the pre-care and aftercare to get and maintain your desired results. So stop waiting more and go for the hair transplant with the “The Latest Advances in Hair Transplant Technology”. After the treatment you can enjoy enhanced confidence and a better quality of life.



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